In a heartwarming display of community unity and generosity, the Rotary Clubs of Frederick County rallied together to make a significant impact on the ongoing Maui wildfire relief efforts. In the wake of the devastating Maui wildfires, the Rotary Club of Carroll Creek...
On Wednesday, June 6, the Rotary Club of Carroll Creek bestowed Paul Harris Community Awards on two Frederick community members. This year’s recipients were Stephen Tate and Eric Rhodes. The Paul Harris award is the Rotary Club’s highest honor, given only to members...
The Rotary Club of Carroll Creek (RCCC) recently surpassed an impressive milestone in giving to the Rotary Foundation – the $1 Million giving mark! The 28-year-old club based in Frederick, Maryland has reached this milestone after building a strong commitment...
Did you miss the 7620 Workshop on Rotary’s latest area of focus – the Environment – that was held on January 16, 2021? Not a problem. Recordings are available for your viewing leisure. Video – Part I: Welcome, Objectives & Goals, What is in...